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Lectures and Engagements

Dr. Bird is Available for your Speaking Engagements
Contact Dr. Bird  for details and availability

As an Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology and Director of the Avian Science and Conservation Centre of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Dr. David Bird has published 200 peer-reviewed papers and supervised 50 graduate students on a wide range of wildlife themes, including endangered species, toxicology, captive propagation of birds of prey, human-wildlife conflicts, and more recently, the application of UAVs (drones) to wildlife research and conservation. Until his retirement in 2012, he taught several university-level courses, including ornithology, wildlife conservation, ethology, and scientific communication.


He has written and/or edited several books, the most recent ones being The Bird Almanac: A Guide to Essential Facts and Figures on the World's Birds in 2004, Raptor Research and Management Techniques in 2007, Birds of Canada in 2010, and two newer versions, Birds of Eastern Canada and Birds of Western Canada in 2013.


Dr. Bird is a past-president of the Raptor Research Foundation Inc. (an international organization devoted to birds of prey), past-president of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, an elected Fellow of the American Ornithologists Union, a former member of the Board of Directors of the American Birding Association, and an elected member representing Canada on the prestigious International Ornithological Committee. He currently sits on the boards of Unmanned Systems Canada, an organization dedicated to the use of unmanned vehicles, and Bird Studies Canada. Besides his innumerable public lectures and radio and television appearances, Dr. Bird was also a regular columnist on birds for The Gazette of Montreal and continues to write a column for BirdWatcher's Digest magazine.

Previous Speaking Engagements

April 22 - 24, 2016    16th Annual Doug Innes Memorial Island Bird Count

Friday, April 22, 2016

6:40 p.m.

Visitors from off Island catch ferry from Port McNeill to Sointula.

Please make your own arrangements for accommodation in Sointula.

You are welcome to refer to the Sointula Resource Centre’s accommodation website at:


or if you are having any difficulty contacting accommodation providers, please get hold of us at or at 250.973.6465 with any questions.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

11 a.m. – Noon Museum Tour
If you haven’t seen it before, the Sointula Museum is a treasure.

Many Malcolm Island Bird Club members are museum volunteers and a tour is available on request.

Please direct your inquiries to


1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. How Birds Do It!
Dr. David Bird
Sointula Firehall

Ever wonder how birds are equipped to produce those warm, fuzzy chicks in the nest? Not all is as it seems. Join Dr. David M. Bird as he takes you on a humorous and at times, serious “bird’s eyeview” of the seemingly indecent world of avian reproduction involving the Mile High Club, incest, homosexuality, transvestitism, sex changes, divorce, and infidelity. It simply puts television soap operas to shame!

You may never look at birds the same again.

*This talk is rated “R” and not meant for children under 13.

Donations are most welcome and will be used to pay rent on the Sointula Firehall for both the Saturday presentations and the Sunday potluck.

Evening Open

Relax and enjoy Sointula. There will be a loonie auction to support local school events, for anyone interested in participating.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

9:00 a.m.

16th Annual Doug Innes Memorial Malcolm Island Spring Bird Count

Commences outside the Sointula Co-op Store on First Street.

Four teams will be pre-selected on Saturday and start their respective counts from this point.

4 p.m.- 5 p.m.

Happy Hour and Review of Bird Count Results.
Sointula Firehall

5 p.m.

Annual Pot Luck.

Please share your favourite food and beverage and bird stories of the day.

Again, a donation to cover the hall rental fee, if you didn’t already do so on Saturday, would be greatly appreciated.

These halls are integral to our community and our rent for the two days we are using the facilities will be $120.

The current Malcolm Island Bird Club initiative is to build a bookcase that can be used to house all of our birding records from 1991 to the present, and any other birding resources, such as bird guides and references here in Sointula, in affiliation with the Sointula Museum and Library.

Our thanks to Art and Sue Martell and the rest of the Comox Valley birders for donating two Sibley guides, and for their long term and ongoing support for the Malcolm Island Bird Club, and the annual spring bird count.

May 9 - 15, 2016    20th Annual Wings over the Rockies 

The Rapture of Raptors

Emeritus Professor David Bird & Cam Gillies

Join Dr. David Bird on a birding trip aimed at finding the various kinds of birds of prey in the Columbia River Valley.   Dr. Bird has studied raptors, including falcons, hawks, eagles, ospreys and owls, in both the field and laboratory for over forty years.   Between sightings, this engaging, youthful man endowed with a good sense of humour will regal participants with interesting facts and anecdotes about these awesome creatures. Level: moderate, aimed at adults.

Fri May 13th from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm

MAX # 15


COST: $25.00

Directions: tba


Can Drones Help Our Bird Populations?

with Emeritus Professor David Bird (mid-morning event)

Join Dr. David Bird as he explores various applications of unmanned vehicle systems (AKA “drones”) for bird research, for example conducting population surveys, tracking radio-tagged birds, observing birds in inaccessible or dangerous places, mapping and monitoring bird habitats, and deterring nuisance bird species. Coffee/tea and mid-morning treats! For all ages.

Sat May 14th from 10:00 am to noon

MAX # 30

LOCATION: Fairmont Hot Springs Resort

COST: $21.00 (includes coffee/tea and mid-morning treats)

Directions: Birch Room


A Child’s View of the Birds (Family Event)

with Emeritus Professor David Bird

Join Dr. David Bird on a relaxed bird-watching trip aimed at helping children learn to identify the various kinds of birds that inhabit the Columbia River Valley.  With his vast knowledge about birds and his great sense of humour,  Dr. Bird will answer interesting questions like why turkey vultures barf and poop down their legs and how birds put spit to good use. Kids should be able to hike approximately one kilometre, and please bring your parents along!

Sat May 14th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm

MAX #15


COST: $ 15.00


The Bird & the Birder Wetlands Paddle

with David Bird & Randy Hopkins

Join Dr. David Bird & Randy Hopkins on a fun-filled paddle through the wetlands to identify the various kinds of water birds and to discuss how they have adapted to living there. During his forty years, Dr. Bird taught about birds, led numerous birding trips, given hundreds of talks on birds to all ages, and written countless articles about them. Randy Hopkins, our local birder and man of many talents will share his knowledge on the Columbia Wetlands and the birds that inhabitant them. It is Ornithology 101 while sitting in a canoe! Basic paddling experience necessary. Level: Moderate

Sun May 15th from 8:30 to 10:30 am

MAX # 20

LOCATION: Invermere

COST: $30.00 (includes PFD & boat)

Directions: Columbia River Outfitters (south side of Athalmer Bridge)


How Birds Do It!

with Emeritus Professor David Bird (Lunch Presentation)

Join Dr. David M. Bird for a “bird’s eye-view” of the seemingly indecent world of avian reproduction involving the Mile-High Club, incest, homosexuality, transvestitism, sex changes, divorce, and infidelity.  It simply puts television soap operas to shame!

*Not meant for children under 13.  Event includes lunch.

Sun May 15th from noon to 2 pm

MAX # 200

LOCATION: Fairmont Hot Springs Resort

COST: $30.00 (includes lunch)

Directions: Cedar Room

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